Goodyear Tire's Double Standard Earns a Presidential Call for a Boycott

President Trump has taken unlimited heat for his call for a boycott of Goodyear Tire over its policies prohibiting its workers from wearing MAGA-themed clothing at work. He was slammed for calling for a ...


Trump Makes Headwinds in Ohio by Lambasting Biden and Boasting the Recovery

Trump took pleasure in slamming Biden's chances for another shot at the White House. His comments could not come at another opportune time. The lead that Biden had in the polls is going down after T...


Are Liberals Hijacking America's Second Coronavirus Stimulus?

As we've seen over the past several months, America's battle with COVID-19 and its economic impacts is far from over. Neither party is suggesting that Americans don't require some sort of economic stimulus and une...


Trump Announces His Election Strategy by Testing GOP Loyalty and Honor

Trump Announces His Election Strategy by Testing GOP Loyalty and Honor “Glad I was able to get very dishonest LameStream Media to finally start talking about the RISKS to our Democracy from dange...


Big Tech Is Keeping You from Seeing Conservative Websites Online

Big Tech is seemingly hellbent on stealing the election for Joe Biden and the Democrats. First, Twitter has tried to infringe on the free speech of President Trump and his oldest son. Now, Google is started to ...


The Cancel Culture Claims Another Victim in North Carolina

For people who question whether the "cancel culture" is real, not only is it real but it can actually kill people. A case in point is a former professor at the University of North Carolina who lost his job after bein...


Violent Protestors in Portland Draw Encouragement from the Democratic Party

Our nation has a fine tradition of peaceful protesting when people feel that they need to have their voices heard. This leaves room for many different forms of expression that fall under the umbrell...


Ilhan Omar's Primary Challenger Raises Very Big Bucks in Minnesota

Ilhan Omar is the congresswoman who energizes conservatives across the country with her overheated rhetoric. While much of what comes out of her mouth is dangerous incitement, in a way, she is the gift that k...


Joe Biden's $2 Trillion Climate Gift to Far-Left Extremists

Despite his masquerade as a centrist Democrat, Joe Biden continues to reveal his true colors when he proposes policy for his campaign. His most recent proposal is much the same as every other proposal. It involves l...


Radical and Violent Protestors Cause Tens of Millions of Dollars in Economic Damage

While the liberal news media is lionizing the protestors who have brought major cities to a standstill as warriors for social change, the real impacts of their disruption must be considered. T...