Trump Has Biden Rights Where He Wants Him for November

Monica Jackson
Published Jan 28, 2025

The doomsayers have been practically ordering up the moving vans, ready to pack up President Trump and send him back to Florida. However, as much as the liberal media wants to imagine the end of the Trump Presidency, Joe Biden is actually the one who is on the ropes. Trump has every structural advantage heading into November, and his campaign knows how to use them to help him win. Combined with the overconfidence of the basement-bound Biden Campaign, Trump is in a strong position for the coming election.

Much has been made of the fact that the Trump Campaign is retrenching and reloading. People have claimed that the campaign is broke. That could not be further from the truth. Even if the campaign does not have the money in the bank that it used to, there is a reason for that.

Trump Was Merely Spending the Money That He Raised

The Trump Campaign raised over $1 billion for this election well before the convention. The liberal media and commentators are up in arms about the fact that Trump does not have the cash on hand that he once had. They claim that the campaign is broke and in trouble. However, this fails to appreciate and understand the main point of what it means to spend campaign money. The Trump Campaign has spent money in order to build up the campaign operation. Any rookie campaign manager understands the importance of a ground game. This is exactly where the campaign has used its funds.

While the liberal media criticized Brad Parscale for referring to the campaign apparatus as the "Death Star," Parscale was definitely on to something. This is a campaign that has been built up and built out and is ready to get its voters to the polls. The Trump Campaign is a well-oiled machine that has the benefit of knowing what works in an election.

You just need to look at the number of campaign offices that Trump has throughout the country. At last count, the President had 280 offices in the field throughout the U.S. This is several multiples of what Joe Biden has. The Trump Campaign has been investing in and working in these areas for years. This costs money, and building out an infrastructure does not happen for free. However, Trump has the apparatus he needs to win what he is going to be an exercise in turning out the base of each party.

$1 Billion Builds a Powerful Online and Digital Operation

The other vaunted area of the Trump Campaign is the digital operation. In 2016, Jared Kushner built the best digital campaign operation that this country has ever seen. With four more years of knowledge and experience, the campaign has even further improved upon the digital operation. Again, this costs money in research and consultants. Donor do not give their money for it to sit in a campaign account until after their candidate loses the election. They give it for the money to be spent to elect their candidate.

If you have gone on YouTube at any point in the past couple of months, you have been bombarded with ads for the President. This is where the voters are. While Biden spends his money trying to preach to the choir watching CNN, Trump has spent heavily to reach voters online to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Unfortunately, Trump has to make Google rich, which is unfortunate given the finger that the company is trying to put on the scale of the election.

So our message to the liberal media is that they can keep snickering over the amount of money that the Trump Campaign has spent. The party has a deep base of donors along with President Trump himself able to give the campaign money to get it through the election. In the meantime, the amount of money spent has built a structural advantage for the President that Biden will struggle to overcome. Until August, it was the Biden Campaign that was broke and understaffed. Biden simply does not have the time and resources to overcome the structural advantages that Trump has been able to build be deploying his massive war chest. Trump simply spent at the right time to build his campaign infrastructure while Biden is forced to play catch up. The doomsayers will find themselves shocked on November 3 when history repeats itself.

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